

We are accepting your completed Residency Re-evaluation form and supporting documentation by email or fax (530) 879-4313. For a more secure upload of your documents, you can now upload it to your Self Service portal. For detailed instructions, see Steps for Submitting Required Documents.


Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! Zoo siab txais tos!

E世博ESBALL欢迎无证和混合身份的学生作为Roadrunner的一部分 community! 我们很荣幸能成为你们教育之旅的一部分,我们期待着 to celebrating your successes while you are here!

Data Protection Statement

E世博ESBALL不会公布任何个人身份的学生信息,包括 任何与移民身份有关的数据,没有司法搜查令,传票或法庭 order, unless authorized by the student or required by law.

学生们可以放心,根据联邦和州法律,他们所提供的任何信息 提交大学入学申请时不会把自己或家人放在首位 at risk.

目录信息,包括姓名、出席日期和其他因素 can be considered public information. Students may request that the college restrict 通过联系e世博官方网站处或注册处获取他们的目录信息 Office.

以下信息摘自加州教育法典第68000节 以及《E世博ESBALL》第五编第54000-54072条.

每个学生在入学或返回E世博ESBALL时(缺课后) (一学期及以上)将根据其合法居住地进行分类. 可能需要证据来证明在加州的实际存在和意图 California the permanent home.

Residency Re-Evaluation Form


欢迎希望重新评估住院医师资格的学生提交他们的申请 填写住院医师重新评估表和所需文件或提交AB540 加州非居民学费减免申请和教育成绩单期间 our regular business hours.

  • 居住决定应在申请学期的第一天作出.
  • 欢迎希望重新评估住院医师资格的学生提交他们的申请 completed Residency Re-Evaluation Form 和所需的文件或提交AB540加州非居民学费豁免 在我们的正常营业时间内索取和教育成绩单.
1. 在居住前一年零一天在加州实际居住 determination date.
注:一年的期限开始时,你不仅是在加州,而且 有明确的意向成为加州永久居民.

Acceptable evidence of physical presence:

  • 拥有住宅物业或连续占用在 California
  • Current registration to vote and voting in California
  • Having a current license for a California business
  • 在以前的州或联邦税表上显示加州作为家庭住址 two years
  • Evidence of California employment for the last two years
  • 加州高中或大学过去两年的成绩单
2. 有明确的意向让加州成为你的永久居住地:
(No one factor is controlling.)

Acceptable evidence of intent:

  • Possessing California driver's license
  • Possessing California motor vehicle license plates
  • Establishing and maintaining active California bank accounts
  • Holding active membership in service or social clubs
  • Utility bills (gas, water, power, telephone)
  • Documentation of credit agreements with Califoria businesses
3. 不得参与与加州居民身份不符的行为.
Note: Butte College considers these above all others:
  • Maintaining voter registration in another state
  • Being a petitioner for divorce in another state
  • 以州内居民的身份在州外机构就读
  • Declaring non-residency for state income tax purposes
  • 在另一个州保留驾驶执照和/或车辆登记

特殊的居住规则:有特殊的居住规则可能适用于 following cases:

- Immigrants Rising CA Nonresident Tuition AB540 Facts

除非移民外国人外,满足以下所有要求的任何学生: 免除在加州社区学院的非居民学费, 加州州立大学和加州大学.

  • 学生必须在加州就读高中(公立或私立) three or more years.
  • 学生必须从加州高中毕业或达到同等学历 在学期开始之前(例如,通过GED或加州高中) Proficiency Exam)
  • 没有合法移民身份的外国学生必须向移民局提交一份宣誓书 表示他或她已经提交了合法化申请的学院或大学 他或她的移民身份,或将尽快提交申请,他或她是 eligible to do so.
  • 非移民学生[例如,持有F(学生)签证,B(访客)签证的学生] visas, etc.] are not eligible for this exemption.
  • 学生必须提交一份豁免申请,包括与学院签署的宣誓书 这表明学生已满足上述所有适用条件. Student 在此过程中获得的信息是严格保密的,除非披露 required under law.
  • 有资格获得此豁免的学生转学到另一所加州公立学校 学院或大学必须提交一份新的申请(和文件,如果需要的话)到 each college under consideration.
  • 符合条件的非居民学生将免交非居民学费 但他们不会被归类为加州居民. They continue to be "nonresidents".
  • AB 540 may 为无证学生提供国家财政援助计划和资格 scholarships. These students remain ineligible for federal financial aid
Some students may qualify for an AB 540 waiver. This waiver entitles students who qualify to have their non-resident fees waived for the semester.


Complete the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request. Submit to the Admissions and Records Office after you have enrolled in classes. You are required to submit 教育成绩单以验证您完成的豁免请求的要求 form.

Steps for Submitting Required Documents
Non-Resident Tuition Waiver (AB540) Request Form

如果你已经被归类为非居民并且你想上诉 decision you must complete the Residency Re-Evaluation Form.

We are here to support you! Contact us for help or make an appointment with the Residency Technician. 

Need help with AB 540? The Butte College Undocucenter is here to answer questions!


Content editor:
Julie Scarpelli 